
Webshop » Tweedehands » Huetson - Lace and bobbins, A history and collector's guide

Huetson - Lace and bobbins, A history and collector's guide

Gebruikte afkortingen:
HC: Hardcover
HCS: Hardcover met stofomslag
PBK: Paperback
PBKF: Paperback met flappen
LPM: Losse patronen in map
RM: Ringmap

X-06086 Huetson - Lace and bobbins, A history and collector's guide

X-06086 Huetson - Lace and bobbins, A history and collector's guideX-06086 Huetson - Lace and bobbins, A history and collector's guide
Lace and Bobbins
A History and Collectors Guide
1973, David & Charles
HCS, 187blz., 14,5x22cm

€ 10,00


Lace and Bobbins A€ 10,00 Toevoegen aan Winkelwagen
Lace and Bobbins B€ 10,00 Toevoegen aan Winkelwagen